For some years now at Valente we have been focusing on an aspect that we consider critical, namely that of sustainability, a concept that should be the guideline for every company that intends to contribute to the environment.
A much-used word in our economic and social context, but what exactly does it mean? A particularly apt definition for us is the one provided by Italian encyclopaedia Treccani, more precisely this part: “In environmental and economic sciences, the condition for development capable of ensuring that the needs of the present generation are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“.
Broadening the concept, for us sustainability is also a synonym for Responsibility because, whether we like it or not, today’s choices will affect tomorrow’s results.
Strengthened by this awareness, we at Valente have therefore set out an ambitious, long-term strategy for sustainability, both for our planet and the people who live on it, with the aim of putting our passion and the scientific approach that has always distinguished us to work on those challenges where we can have the greatest impact.
Let’s take a look at our goals, including what has already been achieved, for sustainability:
1- The reduction of water consumption by 30%, through a technologically advanced process that optimises its use by recycling all process water.
2- The reduction of carbon emissions, a very important project launched as early as 2021 that is based first and foremost on the radical reduction of gas consumption. Thanks to new practices and production processes, we have more than halved our consumption, from 25,000 cubic metres per year to 11,000 cubic metres, equivalent to 25 tonnes less CO2 released into the atmosphere, with the goal of zeroing it by 2024!
In cooperation with our suppliers, whom we now regard as strategic partners, we are also experimenting with new materials that will lead to a lower use of raw materials in favour of products with a high recycling rate.
3- Another objective, achieved as early as January this year, was to replace the entire logistics fleet with more modern, fully electric vehicles.
4- At the beginning of June, we successfully tested our new photovoltaic system for self-consumption with a capacity of 500 kW, a first important step towards energy independence!
5- And finally, a process of transforming our company packaging is already up and running, which will lead us to use only biodegradable plastics.
Added to this is the recently developed agrivoltaic solution, an area in which we can call ourselves pioneers without fear of contradiction. In fact, we were the first, in synergy with our partners, to create a complete solution designed specifically for all those who need to cultivate fruit trees but also want to produce electricity on the same land, without having to consume any more. This initiative, currently supported by the Italian government’s PNRR funds, is in our view an intelligent solution that combines the farmer’s need to generate income with Italy’s need to meet the challenge of zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This challenge, of course, is not only Italian but involves the whole world and is essential to achieve a more ‘sustainable’ society.
This is because the environment for us is, and always has been, a serious matter, and we want to do our part.