FRUIT LOGISTICA is the ideal platform to present your plans and ideas for the future


2.000 exhibitors and 40.000 trade visitors attend FRUIT LOGISTICA every year to realize their full business potential within the international fresh produce trade – and to write their own success story!

FRUIT LOGISTICA covers every single sector of the fresh produce business and provides a complete picture of the latest innovations, products and services at every link in the international supply chain. It thus offers superb networking and contact opportunities to the key decision-makers in every sector of the industry.

From 8 – 10 February 2023 companies from across the entire fresh produce sector – from global players to small and medium-sized companies and organizations from all over the world – will again be present in Berlin. The entire spectrum of the fresh fruit and vegetable sector.

There is a news this year!

We decided to move to Hall 3.1 – Stand D12 with an exhibition space measuring 45 square metres, in the section of Greenhouse Technology , Cultivation Equipment/Systems, Smart Agri, definitely more specific for our sector, to best present our technical solutions for orchard, give you all the information and answer your questions.

If you want to see the news you’ll have to come visit us in Hall 3.1 – Stand D12.

We look forward to seeing you!



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