Dorì Day 2018 – News in Valente


On September 13th 2018, in Latina area – near Rome, was held the third edition of the international event Dorì Day, which brings together companies, experts and operators in the field of kiwi cultivation. As every year the turnout was important, especially in this edition there was a lot of participation from the foreign public.

Here is the program of the day:

– 2.00 pm Visit to the facilities of the F.lli Peciarca Agricultural Company – Via Apriliana, 110 Aprilia (LT)

In this company we visited the plants in production from 2017, a plant in the breeding of 2018 and the new plant under construction for 2018 – 2019 for a total of 10 hectares.

– 4.30 pm Visit to the Dal Pane Vivai factory in Campoverde di Aprilia (LT)

– 7:30 pm Dinner and talk-show conducted by Sauro Angelini of Agrilinea at the restaurant “Il Capanno” – Via Aprilia km 5 Cisterna di Latina (LT)

During the day we had the opportunity to have a stand where to welcome visitors and exhibit our technical solutions for both vineyards and orchards, with a special focus on kiwi cultivation.

On the occasion of the dinner, however, Sauro Angelini from Agrilinea interviewed Alessandro Valente and Cristian Ferrari, our foreign sales manager, who presented the company and the products. Here are some photos of the day.

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dorì day
dorì day
dorì day
dorì day
dorì day

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